Slipped Disc?



The term "slipped disc" is an old and inaccurate description of what is usually referred to today as a disc bulge or herniation.

Discs are the fluid-filled cushions found layered between the spinal bones. Vertebral discs act as shock absorbers between the dense bones of the spine and keep the spinal bones separated and help them move easily as you bend and turn. The discs allow the spine to support normal body movement and keep the spinal bones from grinding together. As long as the spine is balanced and lined up properly, the discs can do their job. With movement the discs can stay full of fluid and keep the spinal bones from pressing together and possibly causing pain.

Somehow "slipped disc" has become a common saying, as if we're talking about a stack of slippery plastic poker chips. The discs are in fact deeply imbedded in the spinal bones above and below them. The outside sleeves of the discs are made of elastic mesh-like tissue that is actually fused into the adjoining vertebrae, the spinal bones. Inside of this elastic webbing is a gel-like hydraulic system which is 88% water and helps react to compression. If the discs become compressed healthy function becomes more difficult. Discs could become compressed due to poor posture, bad habits, repetitive incorrect lifting, or other injuries that create misalignment of the vertebrae.

When the vertebrae is dislocated, bent, or slightly out of joint, the discs are over-stressed or injured. With continued compression, the discs lose their fluid content and may bulge out between the edges of the spinal bones. With continued compression, the discs lose their fluid content and may bulge out between the edges of the spinal bones. If this condition continues, the discs eventually lose their ability to regain fluid, leaving the vertebra to grind against each other. This malfunction leads to extreme pain in many cases. In the past, many looked to surgery to fix this pain. The pain might be reduced eventually, but new government healthcare guidelines do not readily endorse surgery because it carries a high risk of complications. Surgery also does not correct the cause of the symptoms. More and more, the suggestion is for a more conservative treatment.

The thing to do is to stop the progression of this damage to the disc by correcting the problem that caused the bulging in the first place. Chiropractic is very effective at correcting spinal misalignment that contribute to bulging discs. Chiropractic works to gently realign the spinal bones. This de-stresses and decompresses the discs which can then absorb fluid with normal movement and regain their spongy, shock-absorbing function.

In some cases the damage to the disc is too advanced for traditional chiropractic care, in these cases spinal decompression therapy may be the solution.  One of the most powerful and effective treatments we provide at Sheldon Road Chiropractic is Spinal Decompression Therapy using the DRX9000 machine. The DRX9000 offers patients safe and effective spinal decompression, for disc herniations, degenerative joint disease and sciatica.

The DRX treatment program gives patients a non-surgical option to regain function, reduce pain and improve their quality of life. Most of our patients report a reduction in overall pain within the first few sessions. The DRX works by gently but firmly stretching the spine, decreasing pressure on injured discs and pinched nerves. This action results not only in a decrease of short-term pain but also allows for long-term improvement of the underlying condition. For more detailed information on this treatment for disc issue visit our informational BROCHURE.

Don't slip up when you have a bulging disc. See our skilled Doctors right away to immediately start treating this condition. It's time to return to normal activity without the interference of pain!


Sheldon Road Chiropractic & Massage Therapy
 10930 Sheldon Road
 Tampa, FL 33626

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