
Paul shares his experiences with Spinal Decompression therapy at Sheldon road Chiropractic and Massage Therapy

 Barbara shares her wonderful response treating with the M6 cold laser therapy 

 Fran shares her experience treating severe ankle pain with the M6 cold laser therapy 

Please click on the following videos to watch our Patient's testimonials regarding their pain relieving experience at Sheldon Road Chiropractic & Massage Therapy


Suzanne shares her journey with Spinal Decompression therapy and MLS Laser therapy to treat chronic lower back pain.

 Russ Handler, Professional Broadcaster, Tampa Fl.

I am very proud to recommend Sheldon Road Chiropractic and Massage Therapy. Dr. Kollias and his staff were able to get me back on my feet without the need for drugs or surgery.

I was recently diagnosed with multiple forms of back issues including spinal stenosis and disc herniation. All of which needed to be treated with different means, from fusing vertebrae to repairing discs and other separate forms of surgery. I was at a pain level of 10 for 85 percent of the day and night. I could not walk more than 20 feet without my left leg going numb. Stairs and exercise were out of the question.

After multiple visits to pain management specialists and close to scheduling surgery, I found Dr. K and his staff. Three weeks later I was pain free. How did this happen? After Dr. K read my MRI, and with great attention to detail, he told me he had some procedures which would help alleviate my pain. While he could not guarantee complete success, we decided to go forward.

My regimen consisted of a new form of back pain management called Spinal Decompression . This state of the art procedure cured my lower sciatica and steady burning pain completely in just the first week. Spinal Decompression gently stretched my lower back allowing fresh blood, nutrients and oxygen to pass through and nourish my inflamed nerves and burning discs. Following each Decompression therapy session, I was given 15 minutes of electrical muscle stimulation which further aided in reducing inflammation of my nerves and muscles and promoted fresh blood and nutrient flow through my area of pain. Finally, I was put on a state of the art cold laser machine which gently put a stream of laser in and around my painful area and as I understand it, is a way to promote cell growth and regeneration.

Alan Saad, Automobile Mechanic, Tampa FL

My name is Alan Saad. I am 58 years old. I have been an automobile mechanic for 36 years and I had a severe neck injury on the job four years ago. It didn’t seem too serious and I had no health insurance at the time so I didn’t do anything about it. However, the pain, numbness and tingling in my hands and feet never went away.

A year and a half later I changed jobs and had health insurance. I figured it was time to get fixed. I saw mostly physician’s assistance at several different orthopedic outfits. I was mostly told I needed neck surgery and carpal tunnel surgery. I am afraid of surgery to begin with but I was really turned off by the way I was being “sold” on surgery. They all acted like used car salesmen and wanted to book me immediately. I had thought maybe laser surgery would be less intrusive but it was just more of the same.

I then decided to go try acupuncture. Well that did help a little bit but my symptoms were being treated, not the cause, like taking pills, I did that too.

Somehow I heard about Spinal Decompression and it made sense to me. Off I go on the next adventure. The first place I went to was a long drive and come to find out the doctor did not have the equipment to treat a cervical injury. He sent me somewhere else. Next three stops were more of the same thing. “Sales pitch” we are running a special and if you pay all up front they will guarantee I will be better. I did nothing but suffer and watch my income fall because of my limitations. I got so depressed.

A friend told me about Dr. Kollias. He said it wouldn’t hurt to check him out. My first impression was so calming. The staff was so friendly and welcoming. Dr. Kollias went on discussing my treatment in very timely, efficient, compassionate and professional manner. I was told what was wrong with me and what my options were with the treatment they offered. I felt so very comfortable. No high pressure sales job, no give me all your money, He told me first try it. See it if helps. Pay as you go and if Spinal Decompression doesn’t work after a few sessions we can try something else.

My first session gave me positive results. I noticed immediately on my drive home. I could turn my neck a lot better. I am not sure of the total number of visits I had but I started with three visits a week for three weeks. Then I went two times a week for a while then once a week for a few more. I don’t go as often as I would like to anymore. I don’t need the treatment as much.

I miss the staff. They are all so welcoming, friendly, and very professional. They have a great magazines but I never get the chance to read them. I go in, get treated and I am on my way. Every session was quick, fun, and healing. I feel so much better after my treatment. I can’t believe it myself.

Sincere Thanks,


Venancio Pardo, Real Estate Broker, Tampa, Fl. 11/30/09

After seeing my orthopedic specialist due to a herniated disc (C4), I received no relief from the excruciating pain and discomfort in my neck and right arm even though I was on very strong pain medications and receiving physical therapy. The pain did not allow me to sit long enough to enjoy a dinner out with family and made it difficult to hold utensils. Additionally, the pain medications altered the way that I acted. Due to the lack of progress and continued pain that I was feeling, I sought after Dr. Kollias since he was utilizing the spinal decompression machine that I had been researching.

From the very first consultation with Dr. Kollias, he was very thorough and listened to my issues. He immediately took x-rays and showed me the steps that we both would take to relieve my pain.

I am now pain free; I have back the full use of my right arm, hand and fingers without any numbing sensation. The results were incredible since I began to feel better from the very first treatment on the spinal decompression table and was able to hold things in my hands and could feel my fingers that day without any numbing sensation. I felt so much better after the first treatment that I stopped taking the pain medication.

Thank you Dr. Kollias and your entire team for helping me get well.

Brian Gordon, 3/20/09

Dr. Karen Derr at Sheldon Road Chiropractic initially treated me on February 5th after I had slipped on the ice exiting a shuttle at Newark Liberty Airport late Sunday evening on January 18th. Although there was very little pain to begin with, it became progressively worse through the week and eventually led to severe back spasms. Needless to say the pain was becoming intense, and I felt that I needed to see someone soon. My first call was to the chiropractic office of Dr. Derr and her team set up an appointment for later that day.

After taking x-rays and examining me, Dr. Derr suggested that I have an MRI taken the following day to see just how severe the issue might be. Those results indicated that I had two bulging discs, one herniated disc and another compressed disc in my lower back. Her treatment on the next two days did help alleviate the muscle spasms and the use of ice helped reduce inflammation. However on Sunday with diminished spasms, I began having shooting pains in my left leg sciatica. When I visited the office on Monday morning for a follow up, I was willing to do anything to relieve my discomfort. Dr. Derr’s recommendation was to begin Spinal Decompression therapy just as soon as possible, but first she wanted me to read the brochure and decide if it was something I would be willing to do. After reading the material, I became convinced that I should start the next day.

The benefits on the Spinal Decompression therapy were almost immediate. Although at the beginning it was difficult for me just to be strapped into the harness, once the machine begin to pull, my pain was instantly gone. It took four sessions before I began to feel somewhat normal again and began sleeping through the night. Within the next few sessions, I could stand normally and after 10 full sessions the pain was 95% gone. All along the way I followed the doctor’s advice, I stretched, I iced and then I iced again. So although I give credit to this therapy, there is no doubt that following doctor’s orders also helped speed my recovery. I am grateful for the help.

I think it also important to mention, that I have never seen a Chiropractor before. I took no pain medication other than Advil through this entire ordeal and I trusted my doctor and her recommendations. I am happy to say that I will continue to follow her recommendations for a long time even after my final therapy is complete. Thanks.

Barbara Hester 3/18/09

My lower back symptoms have been chronic since December 2008. I have been experiencing soreness in the low back, mid back and neck regions for five (5) years. I simply just “dealt with the pain.”

I began my chiropractic program approximately 3 months ago and I feel like a new person! I did not realize how miserable I was until Sheldon Road Chiropractic fixed me!

Walter Brown 4/1/09

In order to make a accurate and fair assessment of my experience on the DRX 9000 ….I can do it two words……..IT WORKED ! The Spinal Decompression treatments have allowed me to return to my daily and sports activities without pain!!! Now for how I got to the DRX 9000.

My story started over 35 years ago when I first experienced lower back pain from golf. I was an All-American golfer in college and continued to put excess strain and pressure on my lower back through my early 20’s as I practiced and played almost everyday for the 4 years in college. At times my pain was so great that I pretty much had to take weeks off in order to have my lower back feel good enough to play more golf. In order to survive I made routine visits to the chiropractor for the years 1974 through 2007 as to get myself realigned in order to at least participate in sporting actives and in some cases even get out of bed.

Often even after driving for an extended period of time it was difficult for me to stand straight or to be pain free. Basically, I had a chronic back problem that resulted in year’s of discomfort, lost work, missed sporting activities and at times a very poor disposition.

The turning point in my life was when I got my MRI in 2006 and learned I had two herniated disc’s (L4L5). I guess it felt good to know what was causing this daily discomfort but I was not interested in SURGERY! So I started to research a non-surgical, non-drug way to help me feel better and allow me the CHOICE to play golf or not. It seemed for year’s the choice to play golf was made for me…as it always depended on how my back felt!

I learned that the DRX 9000 machine could potentially work for folks like me and started a web search for a chiropractor in the area. Dr Kollias came up from my search. His office sent me a DVD outlining Spinal Decompression therapy . Next was an office meeting where we went over my MRI and history. At this point I made the decision to go forward with a DRX treatment knowing full well it was going to take some time to show results as I had a LONG history of back pain

The office staff helped me through the  Spinal Decompression therapy  treatments as at times I was still very unstable. The folks at Dr Kollias’s office always offered a positive attitude and a feeling of comfort from there treatments. The DRX did not hurt and often after I left the room my back felt instantly better.

It took over 24 visits before I experienced consistent and lasting stability. Now a year later I use the DRX once a month and have no-pain or discomfort at all. This treatment has allowed me the chance to not only play golf as often as I like but allow me to feel better every day!

Herb Marlowe, Safety Specialist 4/6/09

I have experienced severe lower back pain for over four years. I initially went to a general practitioner who referred me to an orthopedic specialist. Their treatment consisted of pain pills, muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatories and many, many tests. They prescribed a full-body bone scan, X-rays and an MRI. They fitted me with a hard plastic brace to immobilize me. Then when all else failed they sent me to get spinal injections. I had a series of three injections with almost zero results. At that point I was ready to give up completely. There were days that I felt just useless. Someone suggested an acupuncturist. I gave that a try. He focused on circulation which did give me some measure of relief. I tried to live a normal life again. I started back at the gym and followed his directions to a tee. I can’t lie. This was the best I had felt in years. Unfortunately, the results were short lived.

In August of 2008, I had a flare up and decided to try a chiropractor as I had tried everything else. George Kollias snapped me back into shape though manipulation. I was good again until January of 2009. I had increased my level of activity but was using exercise and ice to maintain my back. One morning I attempted to get out of bed and was in more pain then I can ever remember. My wife had to get me out of bed and get me dressed. I went right to Sheldon Road Chiropractic Tampa and sat out front until they opened. I thought I would have to undergo manipulation or pain management for the rest of my life. Dr. Kollias mentioned a modern treatment called  spinal decompression  . He started me on the treatment right away. Within three treatments my back felt like it used to before I developed a bulging disk.

I have been through 13 treatments to this point and my life is back to normal. I have painted rooms, built decks, gone bowling and all with no pain. I am sure I am going to get some heat from the Doc once he reads this but I am overjoyed with the results of my spinal decompression and I would highly recommend it for anyone with not only lower back problems but cervical issues also. It truly is the treatment of the future. Thank you Sheldon Road Chiropractic!

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Dr. George Kollias

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